I've been longing to be pursued and married for a long time now. I'm 35 and single. But the thing is - my desire is going to be fulfilled. For sure. I am the bride of Jesus. And all my longings for intimacy will be met on the day that my Bridgroom comes for me. Look at all the sweet promises in the Word! Look at Isaiah 62 alone and it will sastisfy your soul, women. So I try to focus on the fact that I am already enaged to be married. So the Truth is that I don't have to worry whether or not I am going to get to experience one of my deepest longings. Then I can fully live in my hope and desire. I don't think the Lord tries to kill desires, and therefore, I don't think we should. Women, we don't have to go around either trying to kill our desire for marriage, or go around being consumed by the worry that it might not happen for us. It will. So let us try to walk in the freedom that the Gospel offers to us in this way.
I think often you men seem to be scared to talk to us single women too much, if you are not confident that you want to pursue, because you are afraid that it will lead us on. That is very thoughtful and we appreciate that. Sincerely. However, I think it may help if we help you see how we view it. We want fellowship. Plain and simple. And if it seems like we want more than you want, then still we know that we cannot make you want it too, so we know that we are still just friends. We cannot make you date us, and we know that. And I think its almost arrogant for you to assume that we want to date you anyway. But it would be nice for you to be willing to be friends with us, or else straightforwardly address the fact that it seems like we want more than you do, and then state that you do not want that, and get the message across that way instead of just ignoring us. I think that kind of straightfowardness and honesty is what Jesus shows us in his life. And I know that this may sound like a hassle to have to do, but I firmly believe that as the Body of Christ, we need to all be in interaction with one another, so we can work together properly. And so simply ignoring one another is not the best option to choose until there is no other choice left.