Oh how easily I forget that non- believers expect the church to judge them. New believers expect the church to judge them. Many in the church who have even been there a long time expect judgement. Not the kind of judgement that the Bible says is right judgement, but the kind of judgement that it means when it says that we try to take the speck out of our brother's eye before we remove the log from our own eye. I think that often we even forget that we have a great big old log in our own eye and we act like we can see the clearest of all. I remember how my counseling professor said that we need to say ten good and affirming and praising things to someone before we say one negative or challenging thing to that person. And anyway, who is going to receive challenging things unless they know they are loved first? Yesterday at work, my boss was mad because she feels like she shouldn't have to explain over and over that she is trying to get us extra coverage when we are busy. She feels like we should know that she is on our side and already searching for coverage and if its not there then its not because she didn't try. I told her that I can see why it would hurt and frustrate her for us to mistrust her, but then I reminded her that insecurity is built into human nature (I left our the sinful part because she doesn't get that!), and so that's why for example we tell our children every day that we love them - be we are naturally insecure. We naturally expect harsh judgment. How surprisingly pleasant when we receive grace instead.