Saturday, April 29, 2006


Oh how easily I forget that non- believers expect the church to judge them. New believers expect the church to judge them. Many in the church who have even been there a long time expect judgement. Not the kind of judgement that the Bible says is right judgement, but the kind of judgement that it means when it says that we try to take the speck out of our brother's eye before we remove the log from our own eye. I think that often we even forget that we have a great big old log in our own eye and we act like we can see the clearest of all. I remember how my counseling professor said that we need to say ten good and affirming and praising things to someone before we say one negative or challenging thing to that person. And anyway, who is going to receive challenging things unless they know they are loved first? Yesterday at work, my boss was mad because she feels like she shouldn't have to explain over and over that she is trying to get us extra coverage when we are busy. She feels like we should know that she is on our side and already searching for coverage and if its not there then its not because she didn't try. I told her that I can see why it would hurt and frustrate her for us to mistrust her, but then I reminded her that insecurity is built into human nature (I left our the sinful part because she doesn't get that!), and so that's why for example we tell our children every day that we love them - be we are naturally insecure. We naturally expect harsh judgment. How surprisingly pleasant when we receive grace instead.

Thursday, April 20, 2006


I have lived in lower class housing for the past 2 years, and as I am getting ready to move, I notice the obvious differences between lower and middle class that are apparent constantly as I interact with my new apartment, landlord, and neighborhood. I chose to live in lower class housing because I wanted to live among the reality in which most of the world lives. And I am moving because God is calling me to live in the neighborhood where I worship. Where I live now, there is trash everywhere on the ground, not just because the residents don't care, but because there is trash overflowing in the trash dumpsters. So when its windy, which it often is in the Midwest, trash blows all over the place, so much so that it is overwhelming to try and make a dent in it by picking it up. Another dynamic of living in places that the lower class can afford is that there are a lot of bugs that crawl in to my apartment through cracks in the walls or gaps around the doors. And just like the stove that I have here that only has 1 burner that works (and only on the high setting), the bugs are never addressed by the landlord, even if you ask for 2 years straight, I guess because there are plenty of lower class people who just need a place to live and who can't be picky about whether their landlord listens or not. Its not like they are going to just move and be able to pay more for better service somewhere else. So the kids who live here grow up in an environment where living like this is one more way that demonstrates to them that others will not care for them very well. I am going to move to a place where the landlord exterminates the bugs, where there are lids on the trash cans, where there are no drug busts next door. Because I can afford it. I have more choice than many as to where I can afford to live. This is not a political statement that I am trying to make in this blog. Jesus does not endorse Republicans or Democrats, he endorses Biblical world views. And in his Kingdom, kids don't run around in the afternoon and evenings among the trash because their parents have to work late every day. I want to dialogue about this because it is one of the real issues that the vulnerable church encounters. As we reach out to our communities then we encounter the poor. God's Word contains thousands of verses about with helping the poor and the needy. These are things we need to think about and not shove aside just because there are no easy answers. Jesus came to seek and serve the lost. And the sick and the poor and the needy.

Sunday, April 16, 2006


Have you ever had a friend betray you? I mean a really good friend. I have. Its been a year and a half, and I still have flashbacks about it often. It was so painful that I contemplated suicide for a split second when it happened. Then I was sick for days and I wanted to run away from all of life. I was thinking about what an incredible thing Jesus did by becoming man. He was betrayed by a friend. He walked on this earth for 33 years as a man. He had to go through everything we go through and worse. The worst that you have had to endure, Jesus has had to endure that kind of stuff now too. From the human standpoint. He really did something amazing for me, as far as I'm concerned, by learning what it feels like to be me on this earth.

Friday, April 07, 2006


Many people often imply that if we don't have a smile on our faces, then we don't have enough joy. This has gotten somewhat better in recent years in the church. My pastor preached a few months ago about depression and referred to those in the Bible who were seeking after God and yet still struggled with depression. But still, most people don't seem to want someone around them to stay sad for very long. If our struggling drags on and on, it is right for others to ask us if we are making bad choices that are contributing to the struggling. Our choices do matter, and our choices could be what needs to change. But more often than not, its tolerance of others' tears or sadness that needs to change. Tolerance needs to increase. I was just with a group of women who told me that if they are really struggling or can 't stop crying, then they won't come to church because they are stared at or pitied. It is OK for Jesus to be the Man of Sorrows, so maybe the church can give more grace and love to those who are also sorrowful.