Many people often imply that if we don't have a smile on our faces, then we don't have enough joy. This has gotten somewhat better in recent years in the church. My pastor preached a few months ago about depression and referred to those in the Bible who were seeking after God and yet still struggled with depression. But still, most people don't seem to want someone around them to stay sad for very long. If our struggling drags on and on, it is right for others to ask us if we are making bad choices that are contributing to the struggling. Our choices do matter, and our choices could be what needs to change. But more often than not, its tolerance of others' tears or sadness that needs to change. Tolerance needs to increase. I was just with a group of women who told me that if they are really struggling or can 't stop crying, then they won't come to church because they are stared at or pitied. It is OK for Jesus to be the Man of Sorrows, so maybe the church can give more grace and love to those who are also sorrowful.
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