Last night Coretta Scott King, wife of Martin Luther King Jr., died. And yesterday, 4 white cops kicked and beat a black man and were caught on videotape here in St Louis doing it. The black man was originally running from the police, but when they caught him, instead of just cuffing him, they pushed him to the ground and started kicking and hitting him. Anyone I talked to who watched the video (including myself) said that it was clear that the cops were completely inappropriate in their actions. And it was a BLACK man that they were hitting and kicking. Hmmm. Race relations are bad in this town. Race relations are bad in this country. Racism is alive and well. And it reaches into our churches, where there is more segregation in the church than in any other arena in society. If you read the book "Divided By Faith" by Michael Emerson, you can see this proven. Segregation fosters racism, so segregation in the churches is not the ideal. Furthermore, how are we going to learn to relate with other races, especially in the church where all believers need each other and white brothers and sisters need black brothers and sisters?