Friday, January 27, 2006


Its interesting. Our pastor has decided to spend Sunday evenings in January discussions the topic of depression, and we have had twice as many attenders each week as we would normally have on a Sunday night. And there's also been no lack of people to share their stories of their struggles with depression. This is something we believers are often scared of talking about, because we are supposed to have joy in our lives at all times. And true, we are supposed to always be full of joy, but we are also always supposed to be full of love, and we aren't there in that one yet either. Depression is something that affects our joy, and just like someone else struggles with being full patience or with love, we who struggle with depression have a hard time being full of joy. But we often don't give ourselves very much room to fail in the area of joy.


Blogger KYP said...

Dear Ann Louise,
That's interesting! You know my own history in these matters, which I've recently shared with another Christian friend at Georgetown, who suffered from major, recurrent depression. I am glad to know that your pastor is addressing this issue directly--let me know what is discussed! Love1

1/27/2006 7:53 PM  
Blogger Ann Louise said...

Hey CEP!
He has discussed mostly the ways in which depression has spiritual, emotional, and physical roots and therefore needs healing in all these areas. He has referenced I KIngs 19 where Elijah wanted to give up, and Psalm 88 where this is our book of prayer demonstrating that at times we come to the Lord depressed. There are other verses to but these are the ones that come to mind.

1/31/2006 6:26 PM  

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