Thursday, December 08, 2005


I've been thinking about what John and Stasie Eldredge have to say about being men and women. They write in their books, Wild at Heart and Captivating, that a man's fear is that he is not enough, and that a woman's fear is that she is too much. A man easily thinks that he doesn't have what it takes, while a woman is scared that if she really makes the depths of herself known then she will be rejected because she overwhelming. And as I was processing that lately, I was realizing that we single men and women often relate to each other in ways that encourages our biggest fears. Men don't pursue women very often, maybe because they are afraid of failing, and then women feel like they must be too much since they aren't being pursued. And then women are scared that they are too much and therefore are going to be left alone, and so then they start nagging and manipulating and controlling. And then that makes the men feel like they are not enough, because the woman isn't leaving their job up to them to do. So our fears help us to tear one another down. How can we work against this and build one another up instead? I think that it has something to do with seeking to believe the gospel for our lives more and more. When we can trust more and more in the Lord then we know that we have what it takes and that we are captivating and not too much. We remember that we are created in the image of God and that we have all we need for life and godliness. That is something that we can continue to seek as it will bring more and more contentment to us all! Its easier said than done, but God wants us to be bathed in the gospel, so we know that it is something that is possible!


Blogger KYP said...

True. Thanks, Ann Louise--I'm really enjoying your writing, and I'm glad you're covering topics that are so close to home!

12/09/2005 8:21 PM  

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