I was just being challenged by Denis Haack (see ransomfellowship.org if you're interested in reading him!) to think about what is out of my comfort zone as a believer. For example, is it another religion, he asked? He said that he went to visit a Mosque because that's out of his comfort zone, and it was so helpful because he could imagine that people who never set foot inside a church would feel similar coming to church as he did when he visited the Mosque. So that was helpful for him to see from a different perspective as he thought outside his box. It also helped him when he talked to any Muslims after that because he felt more accepting of them in a way. I had just read that article when I came home and two of my neighbors who live in my building were fighting. They are both females and one was accusing the other of walking hard on purpose to disturb the other one who lives below her. They were both drunk, and slinging horrible statements at each other trying to cut each other down, talking about how the other looks physically, etc. And they were even trying to slap each other until one boyfriend pulled them away. It struck me how I am out of touch with women who fight. Women in the church I think have either been sanctified enough to where they truly don't act this way, or they keep it inside and stuff it. Hmm, now that I'm thinking about it, we are not much better in our hearts than these women. I think the difference is that we don't do these kinds of external actions inside the church. I don't want to be so buried in my Christian bubble that this shocks me as much as it did. I mean, I don't want to be totally comfortable with sin, but I don't want to be in a place where unbelievers would read me wrongly and think I am disgusted by the individual - I want enough familiarity that I don't show fear of them and their actions.