I am white and middle class. Have been all my life. So that is how I've learned to relate. And I've noticed a difference between white middle class and all of the black culture, and the lower class no matter what race. I remember talking about this a lot when I went to Mexico, and learned that Mexicans are in general much more relational than Americans. They take time to have meals together and sit around and talk during the siesta in the middle of the day, etc. Likewise, in general lower class people no matter what the race, and the black culture no matter what the class, are both more relational than white middle class. My black friends had a party last week, and generally in the black culture, parties last a long time. So does church and funerals and weddings and anything. So we white middle class people can breeze into a baby shower and expect it to end in an hr and a half so that we can go on with our schedule and get our list done, because we middle class people are always busy. And then our black friends at that baby shower are insulted that we don't take the time to relate to them. And we white people are frustrated because the others want to go on and on and not understand that we have a busy plan for the day. Hence, maybe some of the tension between the races or classes - we don't understand each other and so we avoid each other.
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