Wednesday, November 08, 2006


I know woman who was sexually abused as a child. Her father sexually abused her, mostly with sexual kissing. And so did the basketball coach, and the father of the friends down the street. And her father also brought the business men that he was trying to win the approval of, to her, so that these men too could kiss her.
She's now in her mid 30's. She's dealt with it as well as anyone can, with many years of intense and healing counseling that helped her emotionally and spiritually. She knows the gospel. She knows Jesus intimately. She could be a poster child on counselors' walls for someone who tries and doesn't shy away from the hard work of change and growth. But this still rocks her world, often. It affects her as she tries to date, it affects her as she hangs out with friends both male and female, it even affects her as she tries to learn from her pastor. Can men be trusted? Can God be trusted? Is God good enough to follow wherever He may lead? Very vulnerable. I tell you this because half of you women reading this have been sexually abused in some way. And the other half of you are sitting in church pews next to them. We have a vulnerable church. Let's be a vulnerable church to these vulnerable members.


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