Friday, August 18, 2006


I have been somewhat lazy this summer. I've turned on the TV when I would often read a book instead. I haven't been faithful to blog here, even though I believe God has called me to it. I've said to myself - well nobody hardly reads it anyway, why write? I haven't exercised well and I've eaten a lot of junk. And most of all, I have not been faithful to seek God. I know that he seeks me first and that I cannot just leave him forever - I am totally secure in that fact. But it does make a difference whether or not we seek him. Then I was struck by the fact that I was playing with fire. Things have been going quite well for me lately. A great new job, some great dates, quality time with friends. I have known people who have had life going smoothly and they get kind of complacent, and then all of a sudden, they start making bad choices and are tempted by evil in some major ways. I don't want to be weak when the temptations come. I want to choose to know God as much as possible. At least most of me wants that. Some of me wants to be lazy. I think its more like, most of me wants to be lazy and some of me wants to follow God. The part that wants to follow is the mustard seed sized faith. But its there because the Lord put it there. I'm ready to fight against my laziness some.


Blogger Timotheus said...

Just to give you some encouragement I am reading your blog. The bookmark on my browser lets me know when you have an update.

I am trying to maintain my blog site too. I want to do it to give me some discipline and to be able write down some thought I am having. I don't have many Chrisitian friend to talk theologial stuff ect.

Just keep at it.

Your Brother

8/19/2006 3:25 PM  

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