Sunday, June 18, 2006


So yesterday I fought for single women everywhere. There's a man who gave me what I considered to be clear communication that he was going to pursue me when he moved to St Louis, and yet when he got here he was pretty much either quiet or speaking to me about other women he might be interested in. After the hurt and disappointment passed, then I wanted to give him the opportunity for him to learn from what had been communicated to me, so I told him that I would like to communicate with him for that very reason. That may sound like an excuse to get to tell him off so that he would feel bad for the way that I was hurt, but I purposefully waited until my motives were for the sake of being honest and for the sake of fostering better communication within the Body. I had a lot of accountability about my motives in speaking to him. Plus, I am working on learning to do the hard work of communicating and not just fleeing when things are hard to say, and so this was a good opportunity to put it into practice. So I spoke up and risked by revealing even more of my heart, so that this miscommunication could be communicated, so that the next woman may be communicated with more straightforwardly. You see, men, we women are weak in the area of assuming. Many of us know that we need to grow in this area, and not assume, but also its part of who we are. We are so relational and long for relational intimacy, and we can be drawn into feeling intimacy very easily, even through just verbal conversations. And then when we aren't given a clear no (or given what we think is a clear yes), then we assume that we have a potential relationship coming for us to delight in, and then are very disappointed when we discover its not true. We can work harder on not assuming, and you maybe can work harder on clearly communicating? So I said this on behalf of single women everywhere. But some of me really desired that someone else was standing up fighting for us single women in this area. I don't have a husband or a father, but I was hoping inside that some other man in my life would step forward and say to this guy that I was being treated wrongly. I think that is another valid longing of women, that someone, especially a man, would fight on our behalf.


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