Tuesday, June 20, 2006


I purposely left my last entry hanging so that you could feel with me the longing for more. We women always want more of something, and that's why we so often have the fear that we are too much. The curse that we received in Genesis is a relational type curse, and so we are cursed and never fulfilled, and contentment is therefore hard. I think that's why David Wilcox' song (that I posted a few blogs back) resonates so with women. That want for more is always there tugging at our heart, telling us that something is wrong and we don't have enough. I wanted for someone to come and rescue me, others want to be married until they are married and then their want turns to something else, and then they want a child, etc. There is always something that we want and we think if we had it then all would be good and we would finally find contentment. We want and want and want, and we greatly fear that if we show our true selves then we will be rejected because we want too much. So we try to kill the want, the desires in us. I think there's a different solution. What if we take our desire to Christ? Don't you think he can handle it? He can, and not only that, He will. It just might not be what we expect. But he definitely will. His Word promises it. And here's the big thing - Christ IS the want that we want, and so once we seek him, we can find that true satisfaction and contentment. As we take our hearts to him, we will get to know him more and therefore we will know more and more of how he fulfills us. I know that your next question is, HOW? It doesn't happen overnight. There is no formula. God is not a step by step God, if so then we and all the pharisees in the Bible could have figured it all out. But he is GOD. So keep turning to him with your wants, pleading with him to fill you, and it will happen, little by little. He is not the bad guy. I promise.


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