Monday, October 16, 2006


OK I've talked about this before but it keeps coming up. I did a kind of experiment on datng web sites and compared the Christian ones to the non Chrisitan ones. This was the first time I have been around a lot of single non Christians in a context of potential dating in a long time. The non Christian guys were so much nicer! They just talked so freely and were so much more interested in getting to know a girl than men I've encountered since I've been a believer. I've come to see how Christian guys don't talk to us women hardly at all! They aren't even friendly usually. And that's Christian guys lots of places, not just on the dating web sites. That's my experience at church, at the seminary, on the dating web sites, when I meet them at friends homes. What has the church done to make men this way? I feel frustrated because Christian single men hardly talk to me as a single woman. Since my job as a woman is to wait as I relate to men in a dating kind of way, then I am being prevented from learning more about relationships in a way that God intended. God said its not good for man to be alone, he created marriage and it is good. What if the thing that is preventing me from being married right now is the fact that my husband is listening to whatever it is that tells him to not talk to CHristian single women very much or very deeply. Its like Satan is having his way at preventing Christian marriages because men are buying into something that is telling them they can't develop relationships with women. What's going on?


Blogger KYP said...

I dunno, Ann Louise, but it's the same way, by and large, with the Christian and non-Christian guys I know. I can hang out, talk to, be friends with, non-Christian guys, but the only male Christians, with one or two key exceptions, who'll talk a lot to me are at least ten years older than I am, or those who're my age who are married or seriously dating other people.

10/16/2006 8:47 PM  

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