Tuesday, February 21, 2006


George and Karen were married this past weekend. The church has had a good and long relationship with Karen for almost 3 years. Karen is a valuable member of the Body of Christ at Crossroads. She is also a woman who has had many needs, with which the church has had the privilege of helping. It is good for George and Karen to marry, but neither had the money to have a wedding. Sure they could have gone to a court house, but the church was able to give them a beautiful wedding where they could be reminded of the truth that it symbolizes to us Christ's pursuit of us. Over 20 people at Crossroads gave significantly to make their wedding happen. It was a joyous occasion. Flowers were given as a wedding present. A cake was given as a wedding present. Others put the flowers together, the reception together, the music together. On and on I could name tasks that were accomplished by different people. It was the most glorious picture of the Body of Christ working together to give and serve and minister to another that I have ever seen. Just how the Word describes it to look. And it was done with such joy - it was never a burden, but a fun role to play in the drama of life.


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