The other day I was frustrated and condemning someone in my heart and mind. Then I saw clearly how I am just like her. She is a lady who came by our church to make contact with us because she lived just down the street. She came and spent a long time telling us how she wanted to be baptized and be a part of a church more than anything. She seemed very convincing and very sincere. She even brought her case worker to vouch for her. She also added in that she needed money for food. But that was hardly the emphasis of the conversation. She mostly discussed how she liked what she was hearing from us about the gospel and Jesus and wanted to learn more. Of course we were so excited to hear her response. But after months of pursuing her and getting the answer that she would be there for the ride to church, she would never show up. And so as I was saying the other day that it frustrates me that she would say elaborate things just to get some food money from us, I realized that I say elaborate things to God about how good I am, in order to try and earn his favor, and just like her, the elaborate things are not true. The truth is that I am a weak being dependent on the Lord God Almighty for any and everything, and there is no way I can earn his favor. And I don't have to. I have far more than I could ever earn through my Beloved Christ.
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