I am realizing that God does something when he doesn't do something. Like the other day, I was somewhere, and I was praying "God can I run into that guy here, please? Can I get to see him and talk to him, please?" but I didn't see him. So God did something. He answered my prayer. I used to think and act like He was ignoring me if He didn't work the magic I was demanding. But thankfully I'm learning to see life on his terms and to remember that he is always there and he always knows best. That is one of the conclusions that we came to in our Job Bible study that we just finished.
Here are some of our Job conclusions:
1. Job and his 3 friends are talking all about did Job do the right thing or not. At the end, we see that God doesn't care about whether or not we do the right thing, as much as he cares about whether or not we cry out to him through the time of suffering.
2. Job kept faith in God, shown by the fact that he cried out to God through the whole suffering, instead of crying out to the friends or to something else. Calling on God shows faith in God.
3. Job's 3 friends were rebuked and shamed by the Lord because they said that people reap what they sow and that is wrong theology. Right theology is that God does whatever he sees best, because he is the only one who knows everything, therefore he is the only one who can make the always best and right choice.
4. God answers Job by saying that Job can't possibly understand because he wasn't there at creation,etc, as God was. God doesn't tell him this in a demeaning tone, but simply as I told my 8 year old Sunday school kids when they asked me what adultery was, that they just aren't going to be able to understand, but one day they will. They just need to trust me on that one, and know they'll understand later.
5. God doesn't tell Job or his friends what happened with Satan asking at the beginning of the book if he could come test Job. We don't need to know why, The fact that God is, and God loves, and God is good, and God is powerful is all enough for us to know. And all of his words and actions show us that these things are true.
Thanks for these comments and reminders. Good thoughts!
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