Saturday, June 14, 2008


I am discouraged. My dear friend is making what I am gravely afraid are bad choices. I want to be with someone and I cannot have a relationship with that person at that point in time. For some reason, I am not someone who makes friends who push into my life to be supportive. All of these things get me discouraged. And lonely. But then I remember that I have hope. While on the one hand I really wish I were in control of life, it is freeing to give up the illusions of control and then be free to laugh and to hope because God is on the throne. I think I learned to do that a little bit more today.

I wish I could remember the fact that life is not about feeling good but about finding God, but I guess part of the process of finding God is not being so secure in finding him all the time, but to wrestle with my unbelief.


Blogger KYP said...

Dear A-L,
I'll be praying for you. I've been pretty bummed lately, too. This is exacerbated by not getting enough sleep, and in turn makes it harder to sleep. Vicious. Love, you, though! There is light ahead.

6/15/2008 8:51 PM  
Blogger Lori said...

Sorry that you have been discouraged AL.

6/23/2008 3:31 PM  

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