Tuesday, October 02, 2007


What do you think about this letter?

I absolutely hate church lately and go as little as I can.~ Where the hell is the Holy Spirit who is supposed to be clinging to me?~ There is NO ONE who can and is or will help me stay close.~ What can mere man do anyway?~ NOTHING really.~ I don't know why I've even cried out to people lately, because they can't fix me.~ Only the Lord can.~ I've screamed out to him for years.~ And yet it seems he leaves me here all alone and with no joy or contentment or peace - all of which he has promised but doesn't seems to give. ~ ~Does he enjoy punishing me by dangling peace and joy on a string and then jerking it back?~ This the root of my pain and my issues - the fact that it appears that the Lord has just left me to be eaten by wolves so much of my life.~ That he appears to be a liar who says he cares and then doesn't seem to.~ This kind of rage I am feeling inside right now is what I feel when I am unstable and about to go off the deep end - but what can we do about it?~ I mean all the physical stuff possible is already being done - its just really slow healing and I don't know if I have the strength to fight the lies until I feel better physically and that's when I'm able to fight them.~ ~And emotionally, the pain and the stresses of life cannot be fixed easily.~ And spiritually I know if I hang in then God comes~ through for at least a second of time, and I can get a glimpse of joy or peace or contentment which will then motivate me to hang on for the next glimpse.~ ~That's the pattern - He does show himself every once in a while.~ And then its beautiful and glorious and amazing.~ It makes it seem all worth it to get a glimpse of the Lord.~ But then I don't get another glimpse for a very long time and meanwhile everything is so bleak and so hard and it drags, drags, drags me down again.~ I am entitled to the blessings and promises of God too right? I mean, Jesus died for me, so where is the joy that comes with that?

This is a real letter written by a real woman who is a strong believer. Do you think she crosses the line? Is she crying out to God honestly or is she demanding that God do things her way?


Blogger Lori said...

It sounds like honesty to me. I don't feel like this woman shares anything that is more scandalous than what David shared in the Psalms.
The reality is, this is how this woman feels. For her to try to not feel that way and reject how she is really doing is denying reality. God knows that she is feeling this way inside her heart. He wouldn't wouldn't want her to deny that.
I am sure this God's heart hurts that she is hurting, and that He doesn't look at her and think she is horrible for feeling these things. Even in the midst of her questionings and her doubts, He still looks down on her and sees His precious girl whom He loves so much!

10/02/2007 9:00 PM  
Blogger Lori said...

Oops...sorry about some of the typos. :) Meant to say "that God's heart hurts," not "this God's heart hurts." :)

10/02/2007 9:02 PM  
Blogger Ann Louise said...

Amen Lori!

10/09/2007 7:00 PM  

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